We kick off our first episode by introducing ourselves, sharing how we got into board gaming, and diving into our regular segments: O-O-OFF THE SHELF, WAB THOUGHTS, BG Hype, and Spotlight of the Week. Along the way, the homies talk about a variety of games, including Unconscious Mind, Catan, Munchkin, Imperium Horizons, and Shasn. Whether it’s old favorites, recent plays, or exciting upcoming releases, there’s something for everyone. Tune in as we launch the podcast with plenty of board game buzz!
00:08:09 – O-O-O-Off the shelf
00:29:11- Main Topic
01:04:18 – Spotlight of the week
01:22:12 – BG Hype
O-O-O-Off The Shelf
Main topic: Games that got us into the hobby
- Tona:
- Victor:
- Erin:
- Shared: